Dry Needling / IMS

Get Your Health Back On Track Using Dry Needling in Abbotsford

Legend Physiotherapy and Wellness brings up with highly effective therapy called IMS Dry Needling in Abbotsford. It helps to recover or resolve chronic neck pain, back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, jaw pain, and tendonitis. We have a certified and knowledgeable team of physiotherapists and they begin the treatment after examination, assessment, and proper analysis. We try to provide a comprehensive pain management and recovery plan using the Dry Needling therapy in Abbotsford and also, we prevent the pain from the future. We come up with advanced and modern equipment that gives painless and without medicine effective treatment with very short sessions.

Understand about the Dry Needling

Dry needling is one of the highly effective science & therapeutic-based mechanisms or processes and it is operated by a specialized and experienced physiotherapist. In dry needling, a small needle is into the points of the trigger, and also, the physiotherapist finds the trigger points in the specific area of the body. Dry needling is a complete painless therapy and it generates the myofascial chemical into the trigger point that helps to reduce or manage the pain and resolve the muscle tension.

Do You Know IMS Dry Needling?

IMS is also known as Intramuscular Stimulation and it is a type of Dry Needling. In this therapy, the physiotherapist inserts a needle into the tight muscle point and after inserting the needle, sends the single to the spine or nerve and patient will feel the sensation or deep ache and It will rid the tightness of the muscles, and release the pain with very few sessions. IMS dry needling process will be applicable on various trigger points and muscles will be reset or relaxed.

What Will You Get Assistance by IMS Dry Needling in Abbotsford?

As per the previous result, IMS Dry Needling offers unexpected results in a very short time and effort. Also, it is very helpful in various kinds of old or critical injuries. Here you will get effective benefits in major areas such as:

  • Relaxes tensed muscles: When dry needling provides to the affected area of the muscles it acts as a muscle softener generates a sufficient amount of blood flow and reduces the pain.
  • Relieves chronic pain: Dry needling therapy in Abbotsford, effectively works for pain management and it can easily heal the pain because it generates heat and helps to reduce the amount of discomfort.
  • Improves blood flow: After applying an acupuncture needle to the hard muscles or trigger points that communicate directly from the nerve or spinal and generate a sufficient amount of blood into the affected area.
  • Reduces neck/back pain: Dry needling therapy offers the best result for poor posture, neck, and back pain, stress, and repetitive motions. It acts as an invasive nature and increases the number of motions.
  • Releases neurotransmitters: Dry needling releases peptides such as dynorphins, endorphins, and encephalin. It helps to resolve the block transmission from the brain as well as the spinal cord.

What things will be covered under the IMS Services in Abbotsford?

IMS Dry Needling in Abbotsford offers a modern and advanced approach that uses single disposable needles into the trigger points that release the muscle’s tightness strength and mobility.

The whole process will apply after deep research and assessment. Also, dry needling is just a technique where a needle is inserted in a particular area of the pain. Apart from that, it is operated by an experienced and certified physiotherapist team that finds the actual trigger point from deep research and assessments.

  • It helps to manage or heal the pain.
  • Support to generate a normal function.
  • Increase the amount of the motions.
  • Relieves the tightness or tension of the muscles.
  • Return to normal lifestyle.
  • Rid from any gesture or posture pain.
  • Try to soften your muscles and increase the number of motions.

Therefore, using the Dry needling in Abbotsford, you can resolve any kind of critical or serious injury such as tennis elbow, muscle strains, shoulder or low back pain, Jaw disorder, tension headaches, and hip osteoarthritis.

What You Can Expect with IMS Services in Abbotsford?

At Legend Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic, we have comprehensive treatment through dry needling in Abbotsford, after observing your injury. We have various assessment techniques that can simply find the trigger points.

  • Specialized Treatment: As compared to the other therapies, dry needling plays an essential role in any kind of chronic or sports injury. Also, patients can see the drastic changes within 2 to 3 sessions per week. It does not only heal the pain rather than, but you can get back to your normal lifestyle.
  • Skilled Physiotherapist: We offer a highly experienced and enthusiastic team that is eligible to provide a personalized approach for every patient. We take care of the patient from beginning to end and design the specific goal after applying various examinations or analyses.
  • Versatile Approach: We provide safe, painless, and effective IMS Dry Needling in Abbotsford, apart from that, we provide comprehensive training where any patient can prevent their pain or injury in the future.

Types of Dry Needling Services in Abbotsford

Dry needling therapy can easily be performed in plenty of ways and Almost, and it applies to all body areas. Here you can see the types of dry needling in Abbotsford.


Trigger Point Dry Needling

Under this therapy, the physiotherapist inserts the acupuncture needles into the specific tight muscles or tissues also known as trigger points. It generates knots and releases the tightness, tension, and pain. Using trigger point dry needling, any chronic pain can recover in a very fast way.


Superficial Dry Needling

It is related to the skip where needling will insert into the specific sensitive area of the skin but, it would not be a deep insertion. Also, it decreases the lower back in the muscles and it will only apply to sensitive areas of the body.


Deep Dry Needling

It is associated with the spine or nerve system where a physiotherapist inserts the needle into the various tissues in the effective areas of the body. It makes muscles soften and releases the pain from the root cause.

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