Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Abbotsford, BC

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that affects the wrist and hand, causing pain, numbness, and tingling. It can make daily activities, such as typing, writing, and holding objects, difficult and uncomfortable. At Legend Physiotherapy and Rehab, we offer effective treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Abbotsford.

Our team of skilled physiotherapists and medical professionals will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms and achieve the best possible outcome.


To understand Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it’s important to know a bit about the anatomy of the wrist. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located on the palm side of the wrist. It is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons that help protect the median nerve and the flexor tendons that control the fingers.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand, is compressed or squeezed as it passes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. This pressure can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. These symptoms may be felt in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be caused by a variety of factors, including repetitive hand and wrist movements, such as typing or playing an instrument. Other factors that can contribute to the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include wrist injuries, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, and obesity.


The most common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. These symptoms may be worse at night and may make it difficult to perform daily activities that require fine motor skills, such as writing or typing.Top of Form


Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) depends on the severity of the symptoms and the underlying cause of the condition. It’s essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you experience any symptoms of CTS, as early intervention can help prevent permanent nerve damage.

Here at Legend Physiotherapy, we offer a variety of treatment options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to help relieve symptoms and improve hand function. Our experienced therapists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options:

  • Rest and Modification of Activities: In many cases, simply resting the affected hand and modifying activities can help relieve symptoms of CTS. This means avoiding activities that worsen symptoms and taking frequent breaks to rest your hands.
  • Bracing: Wearing a wrist splint or brace can help keep the wrist in a neutral position and reduce pressure on the median nerve. You may be advised to wear a brace at night or during activities that aggravate your symptoms.
  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with CTS.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is an essential part of the non-surgical treatment of CTS. Our physical therapists will work with you to develop a personalized exercise program designed to improve hand and wrist flexibility, strength, and range of motion.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: Corticosteroid injections can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the carpal tunnel, providing temporary relief of symptoms. However, repeated injections may lead to weakening of the wrist ligaments and tendons.

Surgical Treatment Options:

If non-surgical treatment options fail to provide relief, surgery may be necessary to alleviate pressure on the median nerve. The surgical procedure is called carpal tunnel release and involves cutting the ligament that forms the roof of the carpal tunnel to create more space for the median nerve.

Recovery and Complications:

After surgery, you may experience some pain, swelling, and stiffness in your hand and wrist. These symptoms usually subside within a few weeks, and most patients can return to normal activities within two to three months. Our therapists will work with you to develop a rehabilitation program to help you regain hand strength and function.

Like any surgical procedure, carpal tunnel release carries some risks, including infection, nerve damage, and stiffness in the wrist. However, these complications are relatively rare and can be minimized with proper postoperative care.


Carpal tunnel release is a highly effective treatment for CTS, with the majority of patients experiencing significant improvement in symptoms and hand function. However, some patients may continue to experience numbness, tingling, or weakness in their hand, especially if the condition was severe or longstanding.

If you suspect you may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, contact Legend Physiotherapy & Wellness Abbotsford to schedule an evaluation. Our team of experienced therapists will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan designed to help you regain hand function and alleviate symptoms.

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